“Copil dorit” School Educational Offer:
Education based upon a high quality and efficiency provided in a healthy, moral, safe and balanced school environment.
Our school provides education – from early years to the secondary school - to the highest of standards in a safe, healthy and balanced school environment, both in campus and online.
We are a school with a heart, not just a mind. We cherish all children because we strongly believe that they are God's gift. For us, every child is important because THEY ARE unique and THE FOCUS OF OUR LIVES. WE THINK, AT COPIL DORIT SCHOOL, THAT EDUCATION GOES BEYOND AND ABOVE THEORIES. OUR COMPREHENSIVE SYSTEM FAITH-BASED IS AFFIRMATIVE AND CHARACTER FORMING We want to provide children with a quality education in a healthy and balanced school environment, safe and moral, promoting traditional values that have never failed. We are convinced that, beyond the material responsibilities* we have towards children, we owe them, first of all, A RESPONSIBLE UPBRINGING.
Why the "COPIL DORIT" School?
- Because we are really interested in what happens to the children who are entrusted to us for instruction and education.
- Because we pay attention to the substance, not the form.
- Because we strive to remove from the educational approach everything that is not for the real benefit of the child and his parents.
- Because we carefully monitor the child's schooling and evaluate to improve, not to punish or reward.
- Because we do not have individualistic goals and we are aware of the missionary value of the teaching profession.
- Because the values we promote are the traditional values of Romanian culture and civilization, of the family and of a normal, moral and balanced life.
- Because we teach and support children to manifest freedom of thought and behavior, but not debauchery.
- Because we take care of the safety, health and behavior of the children in our school.
- Because we responsibly select the teaching and administrative staff of the school, using criteria such as moral probity, pedagogical vocation, special teaching experience.
- Because we respect our parents and we want a lively and useful communication with them.
We want children to explore the world and human nature and develop a moral compass that helps them make difficult decisions. we want them to enjoy school, to recognise that learning exists well beyond the classroom and to be proud of themselves, their community and the part they play. Our dedicated team are committed to helping your children to become resilient, motivated and curious within a curriculum that is carefully designed to inspire, build character and ignite excitement for new learning. Copil Dorit is a warm, happy and caring school community built on our core christian values of love, courage and respect and our children are rightfully very proud of their school. With all of this in mind, and put quite simply, we want our children to be ‘learning for life, aiming for excellence; ready to take their place in god’s world.”
We want to offer children a high quality and efficient education in a healthy and moral school environment, safe and balanced.We believe that a child's complete school education does not only mean the accumulation of theoretical knowledge, but especially his thorough preparation for life - a complete training for mind, soul and body.
The Desired Child High School aims at the harmonious formation and development of the children's personality, their successful integration in the following school cycles and in the society; creating a stimulating, modern and friendly school climate; promoting the traditional values of Romanian culture and civilization, with openness to the values of democratic society, of the European cultural space; application of traditional teaching methods combined with modern teaching-learning-assessment methods, a child-centred educational approach, personalization of the teaching act; achieving school progress and performance, preventing regression to learning; lively and efficient communication with the children's parents, unity of principles and values between school and family; selection of a teaching staff consisting of teachers with vocation, moral probity, experience and outstanding professional performance; supporting children from large families to receive a quality education.
Brief history
Asociaţia Copil Dorit a fost înființată în anul 2007, la iniţiativa Pr.Tudor Peiu, preot la Biserica „Sfânta Treime și Sfinții Martiri Brâncoveni” de la Spitalul de Urgenta pentru Copii „Grigore Alexandrescu” din București, membri fondatori fiind credincioși din această Biserică.
Scopul principal al Asociaţiei este contribuţia la îmbunătățirea educației oferite copiilor, sprijinind astfel familia şi comunitatea.
În perioada 2008-2011, Asociaţia Copil Dorit a desfășurat activități educaționale și de îngrijire pentru copii de vârstă preșcolară. Începând cu anul şcolar 2011-2012, Ministerul Educației, Cercetării, Tineretului şi Sportului a acordat Asociației fondatoare „Copil Dorit” autorizaţia de funcționare pentru unitatea de învățământ preuniversitar particular Școala Copil Dorit, cu nivel preșcolar şi primar, prin O.M. nr. 6206/7.11.2011.
Aprecierea publicului nostru pentru calitatea serviciilor educaționale oferite în privința conținutului activităților școlare și extrașcolare, a mediului școlar, a echipei de profesori și a rezultatelor deosebite obținute de elevii noștri la învățătură și purtare, a determinat în mod firesc dezvoltarea ulterioară a Școlii, aceasta primind acreditarea pentru nivelul preșcolar și primar prin O.G. 5635/25.10.2016, respectiv prin O.G. 5829/28.11.2016, cât și autorizarea nivelului gimnazial prin O.G. 5773/12.11.2015.
Întreaga lucrare filantropică și educațională a Asociației și a Școlii Copil Dorit a fost așezată sub ocrotirea Sfântului Ioan Evanghelistul – Apostolul cel iubit al Domnului Hristos, autorul Evangheliei a patra și al celor trei Epistole sobornicești – și a Sfântului Neagoe Basarab, domnitorul isihast care a lăsat spiritualității și culturii românești „Învătăturile lui Neagoe Basarab către fiul său Theodosie”.
În Şcoala Gimnazială Copil Dorit sunt înscriși în prezent 115 copii, unitatea școlară funcționând cu trei grupe de grădiniță (mică, mijlocie şi mare), cu program normal si prelungit, cinci clase de nivel primar (pregătitoare, clasa I, a II-a, a III-a și a IV-a) și patru clase de nivel gimnazial (a V-a, a VI-a, a VII-a și a VIII-a), fiecare colectiv fiind format din cel mult 14 copii. La finele anului școlar trecut, 2019-2020, ne-am bucurat de absolvirea celei de-a doua generații care a parcurs toate nivelele de studiu în Școala noastră, de la primii ani de grădiniță până la clasa a VIII-a. În clasamentul realizat de către Inspectoratul școlar privind cele mai bune școli,Top 10, Școala Gimnazială Copil Dorit s-a aflat la sfârșitul anului școlar 2018-2019 pe locul 4 între școlile din sectorul 5 al capitalei.